Thursday, February 24, 2005

Advise Me

And I will trust synchronicity to make anonymous advice on an unstated dilemma applicable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooohhhhh. My first thought?

Fundamental change is imminent.

I feel like some sort of a sweeping change is in store for you in the realm of relationships. It could come in the form of physical move, a paradigm shift or a change in your constellation of friends and associates.

I suppose that's not necessarily bad, it *is* spring after all and this season is opportune for new growth. Although, if you ask me (which you did!) the potential is also there to have a glorious flop as well! :)

*checks lucky feelings*

My advice? It is now safe and there is no need to resist this change. Together, you and whoever will both learn a lot, and you will learn it quickly. And it's going to benefit your relationship for a long time to come.

Let me know how it turns out!


February 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, my first feeling was change also. Or, more accurately, the *opportunity* for change -- some sort of decisive moment coming up, and not the inevitable change already predicted.

My advice? When the moment hits, act from a place of dynamic action, *not* introspection. Use your strength of will to make a decision. DON'T EQUIVOCATE.

February 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My advice is to help a loved one be patient. Be very very careful, listen closely and make no false moves.

If there are *those* types of issues going on, then remember that the level of tension and defensiveness in the situation can make it easy for someone to be misunderstood, no matter how skillful either of you may be at communicating.

Situations like that can so easily degenerate into outright hostility without much provocation. Especially with you. :)

So: Don't demand agreement from others for awhile. Take a neutral position and try to just listen. What you will pick up between the lines may be more crucial for the future of your relationship than anything you thought you needed to say.

February 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's some wordy advice. mine is to just get drunk and fuck 'em all.

February 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crap. *I* was going to suggest getting drunk. :0

So, instead I'll say let go of the practical side of whatever is bothering you. Get your ego out of the way and let your mind become attuned to a more subtle, spiritual view. Look for the principles behind whatever seems chaotic right now. Take some time out. Write in your journal. Sit on a mountaintop. Work with your feelings until you become reflective like the smooth calm still waters of that pool we found.


February 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weird timing, because I just had a dream about you last night and almost sent you an email about it. So, since *I* trust synchronicity, I think you better listen to my advice before all others! :)

And from my dream, in which you were MISERABLE, I wanted to tell you to make sure you assess whether you want to remain in a situation that just doesn't bode well.

The overall feeling of my dream was that you were heading right for a situation in which some form of manipulation or exploitation was going to repeat itself. And I can tell you this: You didn't like it the first time, when you discovered the true nature of what you were dealing with. You were used, treated carelessly or heedlessly taken advantage of.

So, sweetie, why are you sticking around for more? Open your eyes and realize nothing so far has reversed the trend.

Make sure you reevaluate your choice to be in a situation dominated by an imbalance of power, with you on the bottom.


I'm getting all upset about it now because I tried to tell you all this last night in my dream and you wouldn't listen.

Write me and tell me the "unstated dilema" is really something like what color to paint the living room.


February 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you find yourself getting loud, you may be off-track, so give the other person a chance to talk. Don't let your ideas get in the way of listening now.

February 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck it and protect yourself while whatever storm is raging. Let everything blow over first. I would advise that you lay low for a while, don't make any moves and keep out of sight until the drama and trauma play themselves out.

February 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember that even an innocent remark can be misinterpreted. Trust someone else's thinking if you're unsure of your own.

February 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're arguing about something, make sure that you have the facts to back you up (LOL, wish someone would give that advice to me when I need it; hope it helps you!).

February 24, 2005  

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