Thursday, January 20, 2005


There are times when a relationship can no longer work as it has in the past. Change persists despite one's preferences. Often, when releasing yourself from what used to be a close relationship, the overall feeling is marked by a fair degree of detachment. When certain ideas have surfaced which emphasize differences between you, then the basis of the relationship is in question. Naturally there is a change in the quality of interaction. What used to be a river of feeling between you is now a trickle. There may be nothing left to cling to or be sentimental about.

I would have you not think such change of emotional intensity a bad thing. Think of it as you would a change of season: the situation we are in is becoming dormant and the temperature is dropping into frosty zones. You may need to thicken your skin or put on a few more layers of emotional padding, but why choose to allow yourself to be injured during this climatic shift? It is not really about you anyway. It may simply be about change.

I worry for those who fear change and cry over dissolution. It seems that they are second-guessing what the highest and best outcome should look like. It seems that they are the most far gone from being mindful.


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