Sunday, May 14, 2006

Ah, my dear, what advice can I give you? Just let go of self-criticism and worry; and accept that you are on the right path to forming the relationship you want.

You don't need me to tell you that your inner judge or critic is too severe. You don't need me to tell you that too often you let messages of self-criticism and self-doubt play over and over again in your mind. You think you can't live up to the challenges you are facing with respect to the type of relationship you want. Yes, that could be true, but you must understand that it's irrelevant to the current situation. In truth, no one else could better fulfill his or her obligations in this situation. You are it. And you would recognize that yourself if you remembered your humanity.

And I wouldn't take your blanket away from you, without knowing you expect me to. It was never a role I wanted, but you've made it mine and I will fulfill it: No amount of excuses or self-deprecation will save you. No matter how the inner critic argues about your unworthiness or unreadiness, you can't stall any longer.

Fuck dude, just roll up your sleeves, respond to the challenges that must be faced and create change.

There will be time to judge and worry about perfection later.

And that goes for all of us, no?

Yes, I know I've comments to reply to and other things to say but I will get to them another day, another mood.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was never a role I wanted, but you've made it mine and I will fulfill it:

In order to render true service to those lacking some area or another, it is essential that you not give up your own dignity. A decrease in personal dignity growing out of excessive subservience to some higher goal can lead to a decrease in performance and personal worth. To truly be of good service to others, you must also serve yourself. Be careful that you are doing the latter.

May 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

note to self? :)

Hasn't it always been your job to be the taker-away-of-blankets? It's what you *do*.

May 14, 2006  
Blogger Ladarna Daorsa said...

note to self? :)

:) Not this time. Other than, yes, ultimately anything I would say to someone else is a note to myself in that it is something I have said to myself or am saying to myself or need to say to myself....

Call this a note to no one. Or everyone.

Hasn't it always been your job to be the taker-away-of-blankets?

Oh yes it has, my dear. I've quite a collection of them. Makes it all the easier to bury my own head in them and be alone.

May 14, 2006  

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