Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Whore Stands on the Street Corner. Can You See Here There, Under the Rainbow?

Under how many circumstances are you inclined to hold yourself back, limiting your probability of success in a relationship? How strong is that tendency to use your current station in life as an excuse to hold yourself back from taking a relationship deeper? And you should know that, in spite of this, your ability to contribute is a platform for all kinds of growth if that's what you want -- but with a negative attitude you can certainly turn it into a dead end.

If you take that route, doors and windows begin to slam shut around you. So why slow yourself down with excuses? Why cling to limited thinking about your relationships or their potential? When you are able to answer these questions, you will break through what has been holding you back.

So, my dears, throw off the tyranny of ego and meditate on your relationships.

Practice: serenity and inner peace come from stilling the waters of the emotions and expanding the mind as large as Nature itself.

By opening yourself to the great mysteries, you can air out your friend the ego and let go of narcissistic tendencies, which, I assure you, do nothing to enhance relationship growth.

I must warn you, though, that this requires laying aside outworn roles and trusting the arrival of new and improved ones.

Some part of you may experience this as a death, an irreparable loss of something that will be mourned and missed -- I understand that. But believe me when I tell you: you will know this change as a rebirth, a transformation into a larger framework, a broader scope of identity.

Don't fear it as the loss of someone dear to you; you're more likely to lose an outdated identity. Drop that disguise, the mask you wear in this story, and step more realistically into the future. Be willing to expose your true self.

If you need encouragement to do so, then I will tell you this: Know that this true self is not your social role, net worth, or relationship, although each of these offers you a reflection of your truth. If you do not resist this fierce and revealing transformation, what you'll be left with on the other side will prove priceless.

Your task, loves? Show me the source of earth, wind, fire, and water.

::rubbing tired eyes::

But since I am here and you are all there and everywhere else, that is impossible. Instead, show yourselves.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"..and her love and compassion for all comes from loving herself which is all.."

Every year you grow more beautiful and we gave thanks, years ago, when you gave up green for white.

January 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On this day of compassion, Little One, tell us your story. You reek of forgiveness, and I hope it is toward yourself.

January 16, 2008  
Blogger Ladarna Daorsa said...

tell us your story

I will not.

Because it is a story of hating one's self for walking in one's sleep, and it is a story of regret about valuable things given away that cannot be regained, and it is a story about judgment being clouded by wishes.

And those sorts of stories *always* involve other people and when have you ever known me to tell any of that? I have already erred in that direction once just recently, and I will certainly not do so again.

Besides, even if I *did* "chat", what would be the point? It was what it was and it is what it is and I am here. now.

Rest assured that I have shown myself compassion. Besides, while it may very well have all been a lie, it was true to me at the time and so what is there to forgive in that?

I feel blessed.

January 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel blessed.

And this is part of why you will always be more compassionate than me.

January 16, 2008  
Blogger Ladarna Daorsa said...

And this is part of why you will always be more compassionate than me.

::small smile::

That is because you are yet another who just continues going around and around the block.

When you barely make it to the first corner, because you had to stop and try to figure out where the ants were going, and then buy some lemonade from the kid at the stand, and talk to the lady sweeping her stoop about the clouds... being there cannot help but mean more. That your heart said "here" "stop" "now" is blessing and it is a pity more people don't know that.

January 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That your heart said "here" "stop" "now"

You have told your story.

January 16, 2008  
Blogger Ladarna Daorsa said...

You have told your story.

Only that it was about love. But, silly boy, all stories are.

January 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Repost that quote about the girl and the river.

January 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

or, actually, it was about being bathed by cows.

January 16, 2008  
Blogger Ladarna Daorsa said...

r, actually, it was about being bathed by cows.


It was about more than that, you fool.

January 16, 2008  

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